China Scholarship Council National and Regional Research Talent Support Program

School of Law, School of Economics, School of Management and other related schools:

    According to the requirements of the China Scholarship Council’s “Notice on Determining Funded Projects for the 2021 National and Regional Research Talent Support Plan (Project System)” (Liu Jinou [2021] No. 100), our school has been approved for a national region The project is funded by the Research Talent Support Plan (project system), and the project implementation period is tentatively set for three years (2021-2023). The name of the project is “Survey and Research on the Status Quo of the Spread of Chinese Law in Italy”. The project cooperation and study abroad unit is our contracted partner institution and the location of the Italian Chinese Studies Center-Turin International University College, Italy. According to document requirements, our school can select 3 overseas students every year. The status of studying abroad is 1 senior research scholar per year, and 2 postgraduates of “Comparative Law, Economics and Finance” are jointly trained per year.

    According to the memorandum of cooperation between our school and the International University College of Turin, Italy, qualified teachers and students of our school of law, economics, management and other related colleges can apply to the International Office through their colleges in accordance with the following procedures and time requirements. Sign up. After the expiration of the registration period, the International Office will work with the Italian Research Center of Lanzhou University to openly select and recommend candidates, and to review the applicant’s political thoughts, moral conduct, academic integrity, physical and mental health, academic development potential, the necessity of studying abroad, Strictly check the feasibility of the study abroad plan, and put forward clear assessment requirements for studying abroad.

Registration time : March 5-12, 2021

Selection time : March 15, 2021 (the specific time will be notified separately)

Selection location : Lanzhou University One Belt One Road Center Office (A311, Guiqin Building)

Publicity time : March 15-19, 2021

Application requirements : All applicants are requested to submit application materials through their colleges in accordance with the requirements in the “2021 National and Regional Research Talent Support Plan” In particular, it should be noted that the implementation period of this project is three years, and applicants can apply for qualifications in different years based on their own study and work practices. Such as joint training of graduate students in 2021, senior visiting scholars in 2022 or joint training of graduate students in 2023.

News applicants materials (Please submit application materials to your ground floor A205):

(1) Senior research scholars:

1. Copy of valid ID

2. Copy of official invitation letter from foreign unit (Italian Studies Center of Lanzhou University can assist)

3. Copy of foreign language proficiency certificate

4. Copy of professional title certificate, highest education background, degree certificate

5. Copy of award certificate

6. Resume of foreign partner

7. Other materials required by the project

8. College recommendations

(2) Joint training of postgraduates:

1. Approval form for students of Lanzhou University going abroad (border) exchanges

2. A copy of the official invitation letter/admission notice (The Italian Studies Center of Lanzhou University can assist)

3. Study plan (foreign language)

4. Resume of foreign tutor (Italian Studies Center of Lanzhou University can assist)

5. Copy of transcript (from undergraduate level)

6. Copy of foreign language proficiency certificate

7. Copy of valid ID

8. Copy of highest degree/degree certificate

9. Recommendation letter from domestic tutors

10. College recommendations

Registration Contact: Ding Ge 8915626

Project consultation:

Teachers and students of related majors are welcome to sign up!

                          International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Italian Studies Center, Lanzhou University

                                  March 4, 2021