Chinese Universities Without Application Fee For CSC 2021

  1. The Dalian University of Technology, Liaoning state, China
  2. UESTC (University of Electronic Science & Technology), China
  3. Wuhan University of technology, city Wuhan, Hebei state, China
  4. Southwest University
  5. CQUPT (Chongqing University of Post & Telecommunications), China
  6. Wuhan University, Hebei state, Wuhan city, China
  7. Harbin University of science and technology.
  8. Yanshan University,
  9. HUAZHONG AGRI. No Application Processing Fee
  10. NORTHWEST AGRI. No Application Processing Fee
  11. SHANDONG university. No Application Processing Fee
  12. Northeast Normal University.
  13. Northwest A & F University.
  14. Shaanxi Normal University.
  15. CQU (Chongqing University), China Application processing fee is not required
  16. Tianjin University.
  17. Zhejiang Sci-Tech University.
  18. HEU, (Harbin Engineering University), China
  19. CNU (Capital Normal University) China
  20. NANJING AGRICULTURE, Jiangsu state, city Nanjing
  21. NWPU, Shaanxi State, China
  22. Sichuan University, China
  23. The Renmin University of China.
  24. SJTU (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), China
  25. Fujian University
  26. Hainan University
  27. Guilin University of electronic Science and Technology

Policies can be changed each year. For further inquiries directly contact  to iso.