Attention! Another 45 journals have been included in the warning journals, with the latest list!
As domestic institutions pay more attention to water journals and academic misconduct, more and more institutions have blacklisted SCI journals, that is, for some low-quality journals, they cannot be reimbursed for page fees, cannot be used for promotion, and are not included in performance. . Recently, the First Hospital of Jilin University has compiled 45 warning journals. Warning journals may be removed from the SCI database at any time, and papers are also prone to academic misconduct.

Attached part of the blacklist of journals of colleges and universities is as follows:
The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University does not support the journal catalog
1. European review for medical and pharmacologicalsciences
2. Cancer management and research
3. Bioscience reports
4. Cancer biomarkers
5. Journal of International medicalresearch
6. Journal of cellular biochemistry
7. Biochemical and biophysical researchcommunications
8. Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy
9. American journal of cancer research
10. Journal of cellular physiology
11. Life sciences
12. Journal of cellular and molecularmedicine
13. Theranostics
14. Journal of Experimental and clinicalcancer research
15. Journal of cancer
16. International journal of molecularmedicine
17. American journal of translationalresearch
18. Biomed research international
19. Journal of clinical medicine
20. Oncotarget
21. Medicine
22. Scientific reports
23. Tumor biology
24. International journal of biochemistryand cell bilogy
25. Biomedical research-INDIA
26. Cellular physiology and biochemistry
27. International journal of Clinical and experimentalmedicine
28. International journal of clinical andexperimental pathology
29. Experimental and therapeutic medicine
30. Molecular medicine reports
31. Medical science monitor
32. Oncology letters
33. International journal of oncology
34. World journal of gastroenterology
35. oncology research
36. Oncotargets and therapy
37. Plos one
South China University of Technology Blacklisted Journals and Early Warning Journals

Kunming University’s 2019 “Journal Blacklist”

Huaqiao University October 2018 SCI Journal Blacklist

Negative List of Journals of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University